Casey Anthony has been out of jail now since last week when celebrity bail bondsman, Tony Padila bailed her out for 500,000 dollars because he thought if she was released she would openly talk about the disappearance of her daughter Caylee Marie who is just 3 years old.
But that has definitely not happened yet.
It was revealed recently that Casey wanted to give the baby up for adoption when she found out she was pregnant at the young age of 19 but her mother wouldn't let her.
She wanted to still party and have fun and now she couldn't with a baby on the way.
She told many that she was tired of being a mother and 8 days before her daughter went missing Casey wrote a poem..
"What is given, can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies."
Now that is some deep shit...
It has also been revealed that Casey was having an affair with a police officer and he has now been fired because he lied about the whole thing and didn't report any of it to authorities.
Casey has been caught in many lies and continues to lie today.
"If I really wanted to just get rid of her I would've left her with my parents and I would've left," she said, according to the transcript. "I would've moved out. I would've given my mom custody."
Tony Padila - Bondsman who bailed out Casey Anthony
Sweet little Caylee Anthony - Just 3 years old
Casey Anthony - A couple days after her child went missing
I'm glad you feel the same as I do about her. Shes a very evil girl!!!
ReplyDeleteOne more thing NANCY GRACE will be happy about it so check it out tonight!!!!!!!!!like I said the bastards days are numbered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI did watch it. I love Nancy Grace!
ReplyDeleteI also just found out something else she's being hekd without bail!
ReplyDeleteThat is the BeST COMMENT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWell there You go Folks.They found a body of a young Girl today a few hundred yards away from the Anthony home. Any bets on who it is? Or what party girl put Her there? What a low life scummer.
ReplyDeleteIt's so sad to think that parents kill their children every day and think they can get away with it. Such a shame because she was such a beautiful little girl. :(
ReplyDeleteI think there are levels of evil. This, if she even is guilty, is not high on the list. Innocent until proven guilty. I wouldn't mind meeting her someday.
ReplyDeleteWhat's more worst her own mother is in hot water if the remains are identified as little caylee hell Casey will get the chair and as for cindy she'll face charges of obstruction of justice !
ReplyDeleteGood.. She is just as evil for hiding evidence in this case. I understand that she wanted to protect her daughter because that is the only one she has left now that Caylee is dead but Casey is probably the one that killed her so she should rot in hell.. Thanks Kewan for your great comments over the past few months:)
ReplyDeleteIt ain't over yet ....the FBI has about a week to get it all done !.........keep track on Nancy Grace and call her too !
ReplyDeleteFinally the remains are that of caylee anthony well what do you know casey's been lying through her teeth all along after all that bullshit she gave to the cops she's gonna fry!
ReplyDeleteThis is not a 'column,' it is a blog. The numbskull who publishes this is not a journalist.
ReplyDeleteI love some of these posts. Wow good job Leslie! It has amazed me for 6 months now how this Casey chic has got so many peeps believin her obvously lyin, killin, skanky ass.
ReplyDeleteIts so sad. The whole family is fucked man. People are all hatin on Nancy Grace too which is too bad cuz if not for her show & her getting public awareness on this case, seriously we'd still be looking for Caylee. Rip caylee. & Rock on Leslie.
What this woman did is horrible she deserves to be punished but not killed if we put her to death that make us just as bad as her she should be sentenced to life without parole :(
ReplyDeletePoor little girl :(
We can't do anything to change the past, nothing will bring back that little girl. Now our job is to punish the monster that killed her.
ReplyDeleteCasey Anthony should be repeatedly sodomized with a catus, coverved with honey and staked ten feet from a bed of Arizona fire ants! If by some chance she survives she be publicly place in stocks in the town square where she lives... and that nasty mother of hers too!
This is so hard for me, I have two daughters (11 & 9) and a 7 1/2 month old son. Every time I look at his sweet face I imagine poor Caylee. Not sure if anyone has read the other theories...some are saying she might've been a product of incest either from Casey's brother Lee or Casey's Dad and that it was so easy for her to disassociate herself from her child and why no father has been found (except for the one Casey claims, Jose - who has passed and not at the time Casey claims.) Regardless of the sick circumstances, I've been deeply affected by this and think about that poor little girl every day. I've dreamt about her also and in every dream I try to save her, but a MAN is after us. I'm not sure why I'm dreaming what I am. I'm so angry and with John Walsh's son's murderer being identified recently, I can't believe the crimes against children - it sickens me and makes me question whether there really is a God or not!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, correction. The claimed father is Jesus.
ReplyDeleteAt some point she had to have loved this child. WHAT HAPPENED? I'd like to know the 'real' truth. I do feel in my heart that Casey killed her daughter. However...was it an accident? What really, really happened? Then......once that comes out I think the same thing should be done to the person that killed that precious little girl. Was it Casey? I feel certain it is...but I'm not the one that will do the prosecuting on this case.
ReplyDeleteHow could u do that to a cute little baby?
ReplyDeletehow could u do that to a baby!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a comment in reference to Kim....I dont know how people can blame God for their actions. We are all accountable for what we do or don't do....blaming God or saying "the Devil made me do it" is ridiculous. I'm not trying to start a war on here, but that is just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteThere has got to be something wrong with this chick!!! I'm watching Nancy Grace and she is airing the interrogation tapes and I seriously do NOT understand how she could just continue to tell lie upon lie, even when her a$$ has been caught numerous times!! Is she so effed up that she believes her own lies? Furthermore ... why wouldn't she just give that beautiful baby up for adoption? Why the FCUK did her parents refuse to let her give Caylee up for adoption when she found out she was pregnant? She obviously never wanted Caylee from day 1 and it could have all been avoided had she been given up for adoption and this skank could have gone on partying, since that was her priority. This whole case baffles me.
ReplyDeleteWell, where to start. We have been following this case pretty much from day one. Well, day 31 that is. That's the day that Casey hit the wall and had to start talking to LE about her daughter. It is truly amazing to listen to this fat faced liar making up stories as she is going. What is even more amazing is to read the hand written statement she gives as the truth talking about how she dropped the baby off on her way to work and when she got back from work couldn't find anyone. She sticks to this story even after it is proved that she doesn't have a job. How utterly strange is that.
ReplyDeleteWhat? Does she think (like most liars do) that the more she sticks to a lie that eventually it will come true?
It is obvious that this girl has some mental problems. What makes it even more amazing to know is that people around her knew she was a fat faced liar with problems. Maybe they didn't have a complete picture, but they knew enough. Maybe not enough to go in and take custody of the baby - but enough to know that there were problems.
It is sad that all of this has to come out and the baby is dead. That is the real sad part of it. This woman cared so little about other people (including her own child) that she was willing to drag any and everyone down with her.
Her parents may not be the best parents - they may be the best parents - I don't know, I don't care. All I know is that they didn't deserve to be dragged through the mud as Casey has done. No one has deserved what Casey has brought on them.
Especially Caylee.
Now, even after the fact, this witch still has the balls to try and get mad at others (including LE and her family) because no one believes her lies.
It's a shame.
what's more - I know people like her. These people need help and hopefully people don't get as hurt as Caylee before help is rendered.
What a shame.
Thank you so much everyone for caring about little Caylee!! Casey will get what is coming to her.. Karma always comes back hard. :)
ReplyDeleteI personally believe that Casey should NOT get the electric chair, because it is a fast death. Ten minutes and she's dead for all the pain she has put the world through. They should make her sit in jail/prison for the rest of her life to think of Caylee and regret what she has done. Casey is 23 (I think) and that means if she has life in prison she would have around 50yrs. of just sitting there. Caylee is such a beautiful little girl and didn't desearve a mother that terrible. How could you kill your baby and then go out just 2 days later and party?
ReplyDeleteSo I believe the family should also be punished. They COULDN'T REALIZE SHE HAD A PROBLEM... apparently there is something wrong with her she lied, and then partied her ass off while her child was missing..
ReplyDeleteWHY WASN'T SHE WORRIED.. because she missed her old life and so she killed her child in order to revert back to her old sorry pathetic life..
I believe she's doing this and dragging it out for all the attention she can soak up O.O stupid stupid woman.
this is very sad.
I feel sympathy for no-one
others than the "babysitter"
and all the men, people that were
exposed to caylee, the mothers lies,
and all the drama
I couldn't bare to possibly read the rest of these worthless comments. I can't believe i even started. This is the biggest waste of time. I don't care if you're gonna say some smart ass comment to me not to read it, because i searched the name on google, and came up with a hit about the story. Obviously i picked the wrong page. Being as nosey as i am i had to continue to read these useless waste of words. I seriously can't believe you people have nothing better to do with your lives then sit and worry about other peoples lives, kids, familys etc. GO get your own family to worry about. You can't blame this girl for liking to party, everyone likes to party. she's just irresponsible as a parent, and shouldn't have had a kid. Theres plenty of other things she could've done rather then murder a 3 year old, BUT hey it happened; and guess what, it happens every day. people die, let the news handle the reporting, cut this gossip bullshit out. Leslie Star, whoever gave you a webpage should definately be the next victim of Casey Anthony, because they're as dumb as you. Theres no excuse for being a complete idiot, atleast this murderer has excuses. If you have anything rude to say back, BE the big person you are, and Holla at me. I will never return to this site again.
ReplyDeleteps I farted and pooped
ReplyDeletei think its so disgusting that she would not only do this to her child but the fact that she wont let her baby rest in peace. i have been following this story since it happened hoping that she would eventually tell the truth but no she lead the detectives on a wild goose chase pretending that she worked here and dropped the baby off her. its all lies. i have a 3 yr old son. and i am a single 24 yrs old. so i kinda just wanted her to admit to the things for the baby sake. but she didnt. being a singlr mom is tough and i have a great set of parents as did she who probably would have accepted her open arms. its just so sad that baby girl before she died was looking at her MOTHER wondering what she did so wrong to make her "mommy" want to hurt her like this.
ReplyDeletei cant wait for the trial starts.....i hope they dont put her to death because she needs to rot in a jail cell with that babies last words and what she did going through her mind until that bitch dies.
Ugh! Casey needs to get in a prison cell with 50 different people who plan to beat up any child murderers.
ReplyDeleteCaylee's so cute and I don't know how anyone would be able to look her in the eye then kill her!
In my website I have many stories of children, Caylee's on their too.
Leslie, ignore people like Jane Doe and Joseph. They're just dumb people looking for trouble. All you where trying to do is make a nice website in memory of a little girl, you wheren't trying to be mean or annoying. Those people have no right to tell you to deleate this site, let alone say it is stupid. I personally think it is a very nice, well-written site.
Ugh! Casey needs to get in a prison cell with 50 different people who plan to beat up any child murderers.
ReplyDeleteCaylee's so cute and I don't know how anyone would be able to look her in the eye then kill her!
In my website I have many stories of children, Caylee's on their too.
Leslie, ignore people like Jane Doe and Joseph. They're just dumb people looking for trouble. All you where trying to do is make a nice website in memory of a little girl, you wheren't trying to be mean or annoying. Those people have no right to tell you to deleate this site, let alone say it is stupid. I personally think it is a very nice, well-written site.
Also ignore those who wish to have sex with the child killer. That is so distasteful.
Oops, I accidentally wrote the first part twice, just read my post #53 please
ReplyDeleteWriting is hard in any forum. Critisism is difficult to take, trust me I'm a writer too. Keep your head up, no one can perfect a talent without work and rising above the negative, jealous and random critisisms too. Perhaps you'll walk away with a pinch of pride for making ignorant people think, even if it just upsets them to see your side of the issue. Ignorant people critique and throw stones without thinking about how they themselves may produce irrelevant thoughts and pointless conversations. Pointing fingers leads to a stand still. Open your mind an keep writing; people will always have something to say. You're just doing your job by making them say it. ; ) GOOD LUCK!
Thanks so much or our comment Sarah!
ReplyDeleteSwearing/Cursing, shame on you all for swearing,
ReplyDeletethis is a tragic case, but there is no place for
swearing on the internet I'm afraid. Why?
Because our kids can access these pages,
and surely posts like this (ironically)
are about concern for our children.
I don't think fail language is showing
concern for any younger readers that perhaps
maybe reading this do you? Show some
class and IQ people! Swearing/Cursing
is only for low IQ morons! That you?
no that toilet shot is her 21 first birthday not after caylee died i thought the poem was after
ReplyDeleteI just don't see how anyone could do that to their own child. Like She said herself if she didn't want her then she would have given her mom custody and left... Why would you be partying when your child is missing if you didn't already know about it. There were so many other options she could have chose if she didn't want Caylee. I don't see who wouldn't want an angel from god? She will rot in hell when she dies because only God's judgment matters ... and she'll be judged twice. I hope she has to live the rest of her life behind bars and live with what she's done every day of her life!!!
ReplyDeleteSome people are just so sick
@ kevin can i smell your fingers
ReplyDeleteKevin (above) means that when he sees any girl who reminds him of his younger cousin, he fantasizes that she want to orally copulate with him. In fact, every chick in America is repulsed by his hare-lip deformity. Ol' Kevin hopes to find some chick near the School for the Blind who will talk to him for more than three minutes.
ReplyDeleteWe all know what casey did! She doesnt deserve to even have any of this attention she is getting even though its negitive.. she obviously likes the attention. Just always remember the poor baby who had to suffer the short little life she had with that coward! Caylee if only you were born to a different family baby you would still be here living your precious life! Hopefully Casey will suffer greatly for what she has done to you! she was not a mother it was a worthless being!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to say this, but...I thought Casey was guilty, but now I believe it was an accident. Her ability to deny perfectly fits the profile of someone who has been sexually assaulted. I watch the trial everyday. And, in the pics of her and Caylee, you can tell she loved that little girl. She IS a drinker and IS a liar but I do believe it was an accident.
ReplyDeleteThat is the most ignorant statement I have ever heard. Her "ability to deny", perfectly fits the profile of a psychopath.
ReplyDeletemaybe you were sexually assaulted
in the brain
they need 2 give her the worse possible death they can think fact they should do 2 her wat she did 2 tht innocent little girl.....nd shes tryin 2 blame things on her parents claimin her father molested her, thats bull crap...if he did shed act different than she is.
ReplyDeleteand tim jus because she has th "ability to deny" dont mean shyt everyone has the ability 2 deny doesnt mean everyone was molested nd jus because she looks like she loves her daughter in them pictures doesnt mean anything, looks can be deceiving
i think tht every parent that killed their child, and every child predator needs 2 be killed instead of put back on the streets 2 do it again....a child should be loved and be able 2 live a life as a child instead of their lives being taken away in the blink of an eye.....the system is messed up. i would kill someone if they touched my child because i kno they jus be locked up nd then put back on the streets they all need 2 be put on death row cuz a child should not have 2 worry about things like tht
Everyone says what a good mom she was, she had no reason to kill Caylee.
ReplyDeleteEmberlee, she is NOT a predator.
ReplyDeleteHere is what should occur to Casey:
ReplyDelete1) Duct taped to prevent breathing,
2) Chloroformed into unconsciousness,
3) Placed in the Pontiac Sunfire trunk,
4) After a day or two, placed in a shallow grave,
5) After a week, dug back up, and thrown into a wooded area to rot and be sure to tell all the neighbors so they can take their dogs/cats etc, to feast on her corpse.
Actually, that sounds a tad too kind.
Even sexually molested people have souls and remorse. casey cries more over herself then hearing about her daughter. if it was truly an accident, she'll get on the stand and testify to that. Alcoholics also have hearts too, and any alcoholic who lost a child would probably drink alone and in larger quantities. this bitch wants to party and be young. i've watched some of the trial and she was smiling the other day. who the fuck smiles in a court trial about their deceased daughter? oh yeah, heartless, guilty bitches
ReplyDeleteI was sexually molested as a child and have never, ever molested nor abused any of my three children, or any child I have come across in my life. I am so tired of hearing people use excuses to hurt makes me sick.
ReplyDeleteMy heart aches for precious Caylee and I pray the little angel is at peace in Heaven.
I feel so sad for Caylee and I fell badly for Casey's parents. As far as Casey, she is very cold and evil and should get the death penalty. save the taxpayers some money and pay for her crime. She is only crying for herself. She is a great actress. how could she kill her, bury her and then go off partying? That little girl was so cute. Casey's mother and father would have been happy to have her, but Casey was too selfish to let them have her. If she didn't want Caylee, no one was having her. They will find her guilty I am sure, but I have a feeling they may save her from the death penalty.
ReplyDeleteI was reading on one of the trial pages that one of the FBI guys said that he believed the duct tape was placed over her mouth AFTER she had decomposed. I was wondering how do you all think that plays into the sequence of events? I totally believe she murdered Caylee, but that piece of info took me aback. I doesn't really matter... all the other evidence overwhelmingly points to her, but I just wondered what other people thought of that info. BTW, I totally agree with Sandy. I was sexually abused as a child and it makes me want to be a better parent because of it. Nothing would ever stop me from protecting my 2 girls.
ReplyDeleteCasey Anthony you will burn in bell I will kill you in bell you lying piece of trash. You're a waste of human body. I will see you in yell and I will Fucking torture the whit out of you motherfucker
ReplyDeleteCasey Anthony is guilty and everyone deep down inside knows this. For her punishment she should be driven from her 5'x5' cell every night around 7:00 to arrive at a nearby strip club. She should have to strip, full nude, from 8:00 till close(say 4:00 to 6:00 in the morning). She mush perform lap dances for FREE to anyone who wants one. She can NOT accept money for any reason! When her age sets in and her looks fade, she would have the wonderful electric chair to look forward to.
ReplyDeleteI know what you are thinking.... "Damn this guy is resourceful!" Yes, yes I am. Thank you.
I told you all she did not do it! HA
ReplyDeleteyes it is a shame that people r wishing her dead i do not agree with that one bit Kaisea this is for u only i now agree after hearing this day after day for three years no really knows so what kind of person would got want us to be if we were wishing everyone dead how would he feel me and my mother in law watched everyday and no one knows for sure what happened and u r right everyone needs to let caylee anthony rest in peace and let casey get done greiving
ReplyDeleteit saddens me for one cuz just like another person wrote, it sad that parents can just off their kids cuz they are tired of it, i have a 4 yr old little girl and wow, they look a liitle alike...very beautiful little angel and i would go nuts if anything happened to her or any of my kids...keep up the good work leslie, your doing a stsnd up job...and karma WILL get casey....good day leslie and all your readers
ReplyDeletehey zaxoo.....keep your smut talk on your own kiddie serious about this or be gone...leslie is a heart felt writer that really dont need your crap on her site.....kick rocks
ReplyDeleteThank you all for your wonderful (and not so wonderful) ;) comments!
ReplyDeleteYou all mean so much to me!
Hello. I am a fourteen year old girl who is kinda local to the whole Casey Anthony story. Everyday I would flip channels and see her face all over my television. It was horrendous! People all over town would talk about, and every time my mother was with her friends, they would discuss it. I was eating breakfast with my friend and her grandmother in a diner-type joint one day and her trial was on the news. Immediately, the three of us began to discuss it. All three of us had agreed she was guilty for one thing or another, but we all had different scenarios on how it might have happened. My friend's grandmother had told us probably the most well thought out scenario I had been hearing. She thinks that Casey wanted to kill someone else or something like that, and her father was in on it, too. But alas, little Caylee had gotten into the chloroform and Casey had to find a way to "dispose" of the body. I personally thought it was a child neglect, not murder, and that Casey didn't bother to tell anyone because she honestly could have cared less. Realizing Caylee was gone would just make her life easier. One thing is for sure... I just won't feel the same about things until I know that wretched woman is guilty and behind bars. Too bad she isn't... :/
ReplyDeleteSomeone should take her under her will, and make her go missing like her daughter ! She still parties it up? and seems not to care at all about her daughter and the fact she is missing ?? If it were my child, Id never stop looking !! EVER !! And she in the pic given a peace sign with her hand? how about giving some peace to her daughter? and stand up and be a woman, and say where her child is? ANY mother would be outside hystarically crying with their head chopped off in search of their kid... she is just enjoying what life she shouldn't have !! ESP if she does know where her child is. she is one SICK TWISTED chick !!
ReplyDeleteAfter going through all the websites, the news programs, and reading the court transcripts I am not surprised that Casey got off... Based on all that I have seen and heard there is not a doubt in my mind that she killed poor Caylee, and I am pretty sure her daddy assisted, if not in the actual killing then in covering it up and probably even helped her decide how to do it. But because of how long the body was out in the elements, there wasnt enough evidence, or the cop she was sleeping with got rid of the evidence for her... I personally feel she should not have gotten the death penalty had she been convicted as she should have been, because she doesnt deserve the easy way out. She should have rotted in a jail cell, being regularly beaten to remind her that she is worthless trash. Then she could also miss all the parties she would have missed had she been a good mother. Although her reputation will forever be tarnished, I guess she committed the perfect crime because even though we all know she is guilty, she got off with a stern look and no more... Now she is free to party it up and spread her legs yet again like the community bicycle she is, a free ride for anyone. I think they need to legalize forced sterilization for people like her.
ReplyDeleteI would also like to say one more thing. I was raped at 12 years old and that rape resulted in a pregnancy. I decided to have the baby anyways because of my personal beliefs on abortion, and I knew I would not be able to carry a child and give him up after all those months of bonding while pregnant. And despite how he was conceived, and my very young age, I loved that baby. A blessing and a curse happened when I got into an accident and lost the baby at 5 months pregnant. 15 years later I now have a 10 month old son who I love more than anything in the world and even though I was raped, and was even sexually and physically abuse by the guys my mother brought home frequently when I was a young child, I would NEVER contemplate hurting my son or any other child. And I certainly would not cover up an "accident" the way she did because of those factors (or any others). I wish people would stop trying to use things like that as an excuse for doing terrible things because if anything I feel that it strengthens our morals in a way (not saying those who lead an easy life dont have strong morals), I personally want to be a better parent and protect my child from the abuses I received because I know what it is like to be abused. Yes some people become mentally unstable because of past abuse and they do things because of that instability but she was tested for mental stability and they found her to be mentally sound so the excuse that she covered it all up because of past abuse is NULL!