I'm Finally Back.. Did you miss me?

My weekend was a blast

I had my best friend's Stagette and shower this weekend. Let's call her "N."

What a gong show the night was!

The stagette started out with us getting a SUV limo to a kind of like a "Pussy Cat Doll" burlesque show. It turns out the waiter was my ex boyfriend..

EWWWWWWW.. How embarrassing!

Then we had dinner.. I had some french fries and I bought the bride a couple of Corona's. It was fun there. The bridesmaids and I bought everyone flashing rings (those were the best and they were only a buck a piece) boas (purple, yellow and a white one for the bride) and everyone got either glow and the dark necklaces, bracelets or earrings.

We all looked so pretty. I will post some pictures as soon as I get them.

Then we got the limo driver, "Kelly" to pick us up and take us to a popular strip joint. We had VIP seating and everything. We stayed there for a couple of hours while my friend got her shirt that says "Advice for the bachelorette" signed by all the strippers and everyone else.

She had a blast and so did everyone else. I got dropped off at home afterwards and the limo continued on with all these drunk girls.. hehehe.. I heard one even puked out the window.. :) I wont mention any names..

Saturday was her shower. It was really nicely decorated and she got a lot of neat presents but it was so hot in the hall I actually had to dunk my head into the tap with freezing cold water. It was so worth not having pretty hair anymore. It was a white glove tea party. We bought crazy hats and white gloves and we bought there a nice white hat with a veil coming down the back. It was a bit tacky but all of ours were. :)

After the shower was over we all decided to go to the river and sit all day cause it was beautiful out. We brought our lawn chairs and just relaxed for a few hours.

On Sunday my friend came over and we sat in my pool all day. Then it started to rain on us so we got the hell outta there... I cleaned my house up a bit and watched some tv then went to bed.

Nothing else is new in my life really... My boyfriend has a terrible cold, which has been around for a week. Poor guy.. and now I have it.. :(

Hope all of you are doing well and refresh your page a lot today because LESLIE STAR IS BACK and I will be updating lots.

Leslie Star


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