Everyone thinks that their vote doesn't count but of course it does. So get your ass out on November 4th if you live in the US of A.
Vote for whoever you think will be the best President of the United States of America.
It is really important that you pick whoever you think will lead the world the best right now in these hard times.
Watch this video too and pass along to your friends.
There are a lot of stars in it that care if you vote or not.
Don't let them down :)
Britney Shaves Her Head AGAIN!!
Now that I have your attention, Britney Spears is believed to be going as her bald self for Halloween.
She is apparently going to wear a bald cap and throw a huge party at her LA Mansion.
She wants to have fun with the whole thing and make sure that everyone has a good laugh on her.
I think it's great that she is able to laugh about the whole matter.
Damn ... I should have thought to go as that for Halloween.. :)
It's not too late.. hehehe..
Jennifer Hudson's family killed
The Oscar winning actress/singer, Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother, Jason and 57-year-old Darnell Hudson were shot to death in their Chicago home.
At around 3:00 PM today they were found by Jennifer's cousin who lived by.
The shooting is believed to be because of a home invasion and now her little nephew, Julian King who is just 7 years old is missing as well.
Police are investigating where the little boy might be and are saying that a 1994 white SUV with License plate # X58485 was scene by the area when the incident took place.
I can't imagine what she is going through right now but our prayers are with her and the rest of her family.
Return The Flavor
Keri Hilson and Timbaland have made a great song called, "Return The Flavour" and the video is brand new.
Keri really changes her look all the time. She looks like a completely different person in all the videos she has ever been in.
Must be all the different weaves. :)
I really like this song but I would like it a lot more if they remixed it.
The video on the other hand is good except for Timbaland's part. He always plays the creepy guy watching through a camera. All he ever does is make short appearances by sitting in a chair through the whole thing.
Keri Hilson does look extremely smokin' in this music video though.
She does copy Rihanna's video "SOS" though at 1:14 when she is in a mirror wearing a pink "dress."
Check that video out HERE
It also looks a lot like the "Umbrella" video because of her swishing around in the water.
Click HERE to watch "Umbrella".
What do you think?
Celine Dion Concert Review

So I went to the Celine Dion concert and it was great. She has such an amazing voice.
She had about 5 costume changes which were nice but I was hoping for much more. I was expecting to see something grand like the way Cher does her concerts. Just wayyyyyyy out there.
First she came out in a pink dress that had a lot of sparkles on it. It was a short cocktail type of dress.
For her secound costume change she came out in sparkly black pants, a black shirt and this funky hippish vest.
Then the most amazing costume.... A silver and black egyptian type dress with a humungous white cape. It was the most amazing cape I have ever seen. It took half the stage up. She wore that costume for "All Eyes On Me." That song has a bit of a egyptian feel in it so I guess she went all out.
That was the most amazing thing at the concert for me. I really want one.. :)
I saw Renee ( her husband ) sitting in the back stage booth with my binoculars as well.
He didn't clap for her when she sang but I guess he has probably heard those songs a million times. Maybe he wanted to focus on her singing or something.
He didn't stay for the whole concert either. Unless he moved to another seat or somewhere that I couldn't see. I think that they are such a great couple though. I really see them happily together forever. It's really nice to see that in stars. It makes me really look up to them.
The concert was good except I left kinda wanting more. She sang for about an hour and 20 minutes and did 1 encore. ( which wasn't enough :( )
The concert started at 8 and her opening act was Gordie Brown. He is a comedian that stars in Las Vegas at the Venetian Hotel. He had a show at The Golden Nugget before and he made an estimated $$6 million dollars$$ but now he must be making a hell of a lot more than that for the Celine concert for 6 months as well as working at a higher ended hotel in the heart of the Las Vegas strip.
He was really funny.
Celine sang a few Queen songs which I didn't go to Celine to hear Queen but I guess she really liked the songs..
She sang "My Heart Will Go On" of course and yes.. she did pound her chest.
Overall .. It was a great concert because she sounded amazing.
We then took a cab back to our car and it was stolen...
So overall the concert was great but my night kinda sucked. I stayed up till 2am driving around looking for it to see if someone had abandoned it anywhere..
No luck..
Gordie Brown On David Letterman
Here is Bruce Springstein with "Stolen Car"
Talent On
I haven't done talent on for a long time because I really didn't find anyone that was worthy of putting on the website. However I have finally found someone.
Her name is Jennifer Chung and her guitarist and co writer's name is Johnny Yang and they both write their own music which I think is absolutely marvellous.
She has a beautiful voice and he can sure play the guitar really well.
They only have 9 videos but my favorite song that Jennifer sings is called "Very Last Time."
Check out her youtube page as well and tell me what your favorite song is.
Nick Hogan Out Of The Slammer
Nick Hogan has been in jail for 166 days of an eight-month sentence because the family of the former Marine John Graziano requested that his sentence be lighted.
He was originally suppose to be in there for 5 years for driving while intoxicated and putting his friend John into a vegetable state where he will need medical care for the rest of his life.
I am sure that Nick didn't get into the car crash on purpose but you have to think of the consequences before you get behind the wheel of a vehicle. You should never have a drink and drive.
It is never worth it!
Nick's license will also be suspended for 3 more years. He also has to do community service for 500 hours. Which is nothing..
It's great that Brooke Hogan stood by her brother and all because that is your flesh and blood and that is more than I can say for his mother Linda. Brooke has more of her shit together than her mom. Linda is out screwing a 19 year old while her kid screwed up badly.
Brooke even got a new tramp stamp for the occasion of her brother getting out of jail. It seems awfully funny that she would get a tattoo on her lower back because her mother has one with Hulk's initials (Terry Bollea) on her back with a heart and Brooke called it a tramp stamp and now Brooke got one.
So weird..
Check out Linda and Brooke talking about the tramp stamp from Brooke's reality show, "Brooke Knows Best" HERE.
Do you think that Nick got outta jail too fast??

Another New Beyonce
This new song by Beyonce is called "Single Ladies" aka "Put A Ring On It." It's about being with a guy and if he loves you enough and he likes what he sees than he should put a ring on the woman's finger and not just date them for 100 years because they are afraid of commitment.
The concept of the song is good cause guys should step up and marry the woman that they love but the song kinda blows.
It's way too repetivie. It does sound a lot like Beyonce's other songs too so she should have changed it up a bit.
I do give her credit for writing her own songs though.
This video is pretty boring as well.
All she does it dance around the whole video. She does dance well and she probably practiced it a zillion times, but they should have switched it to a different scene in the background instead of it being black and white the whole damn time.
Also.. what is with the stupid glove she's wearing on her arm?? It's like futuristic.
Isn't it suppose to be a ring and not a glove.
What do you think?? Do you like the song or the video??
Hot New Rumor
Well it seems as if Jennifer Aniston might have a new bun in her oven and it might be John Mayer's. A source came out and said,
“Jennifer is over the moon. She doesn’t want to be a single mom, so she is willing to give John the chance to prove his parent potential.”
Apparently John Mayer had a bit of a drinking problem before, but now that they have discovered that Jennifer is perhaps pregnant, John is willing to do anything to keep her and their new baby as close to him as possible.
This would explain them being seen together once again being all lovey dovey.
I am not sure if I am happy about her being pregnant with his child. I mean he's ok looking and all but if he had a drinking problem before than just because a baby has come into the picture doesn't mean that everything is going to be fine and dandy now..
I wish she would have had babies with Brad Pitt. In my heart I believe that they were right for each other. Just the same and Britney and Justin were meant to be.
Whatever happens I hope that Jennifer is happy because she deserves it as she has had a rough couple of years going through many men that just didn't work out for her.
Hopefully John will step up if she is pregnant.
Good Luck you too!!
Perhaps this kiss is what lead to the pregnancy. :)
Update: Jennifer Aniston is NOT preggers!
Beyonce - If I Were A Boy
Beyonce usually puts out really good songs but I am not too fond of her new one called "If I Were A Boy."
First of all it seems like she copied Ciara's song "Like A Boy" and that song is much better.
See for yourself..
She is trying to be way too serious and dramatic and the song isn't even that good.
I wish that her fashion would have been better in that video as well but it seems like she just wanted to make a statement and it not be so much about nice clothes.
Do you guys like this song or Ciara's version better???
Nicole Ritchie's new Jewelry Line
Nicole Ritchie has always been known for her hippie style jewelry. So it makes sense that she would come out with her own line.
It's called "House of Harlow 1960" and I think it's all pretty awesome.
She has lots of chunky bold bangles, headbands, rings and the whole shebang.
She named it after her daughter Harlow, which is so freakin' cute.
She plugged her jewelry line on the Ellen Show on October 17th, 2008.
Here is a clip of it.
Would you guys buy her collection if it weren't expensive??
Britney's Side
It has been a rough couple of years for Miss Britney Spears and she has sure done a lot of pretty crazy and drastic things.
She wants to tell her side of the story and let people into her life and tell everyone what she was thinking and why she did all the crazy things she did.
So she has made a documentary about herself called "For The Record." It will air on November 30th, which is a Sunday. That just happens to be 2 days before her new CD launch, called "Circus."
What a coincidence that one is.
Oh well I am still so freakin' excited about it.
No matter what Britney does I just love her. It's a sick addiction really. :)
Here is a clip of the documentary. I hope she tells us all the juicy little details about her life.
I can't wait!!!!!
Britney's New Website Launch
Britney is back with a vengeance.
Her new website launched today. There are some glitches but after all it is it's first day. It takes a while to get everything up and running smoothly.
There are a lot of pictures on there. Most of which I have seen but there are a few that are new to even me.
The theme of her website is that she can give us a look into her life that the paparazzi can't which she has failed so far.
The website isn't pretty and it doesn't scream Britney to me.
There isn't much new info on there either.
If she had a daily video blog or some intimate pictures of just her and her friends it would be far more interesting than just pictures that have been in magazines before.
Go to her website and see for yourself and tell me what you think about it.
Here is Britney introducing her new website..
Womanizer Breaks Records
Britney Spears has still got it.
I'm not too big of a fan of "Womanizer", although I do absolutley love the video.
Her new hit song is now at #1 in the US.
Last week "Womanizer" was #96 and now it has jumped 95 spots. This means that it is the biggest jump on the billboard chart in history. This is Britney's 2nd #1 hit in the US. Her first was for "Hit Me Baby One More Time."
Congrats Britney!!!
I am so happy for her. It's about time she had a good year.
Now let's all hope that her new CD coming out, "Circus" is just as good if not better.
Please be better :)
Too Broke For Gel Or Acrylic?
Do you have a party to go to and you don't want to spend loads of money on your nails only to have them chip or break or ruin your nails just for a weekend of fun?
Well then I have just the thing for you.
They are called press on nails and you can buy them at pretty much any drug store in the makeup isle. You can buy many different kinds but some are better than the rest. I love "Revlon" because their nails are really realistic looking. Also "Broadway Nails" are great too because their glue is great!
They will damage your nails if you rip them off when you are through with them so becareful when removing them as they will peel a layer of your nail off along with the fake nail. OUCH!!
I made a youtube video to help you along if you need it.
Most of all have fun and don't be afraid to try different brands.
Madonna and Guy are Over
Madonna and her soon to be ex husband, Guy Ritchie are getting a divorce.
Well.. No one saw that coming.. Duh!
They have been together for 7.5 years and the rumors going around about their divorce have been around for about 4 years of it.
Madonna and Guy dodged rumors earlier this year that Madonna had an affair with New York Yankee star Alex Rodriguez, aka A-Rod. Alex and his wife Cynthia split up over it.
Supposidly they haven't agreed on a settlement but they hope to have the divorce finalized by Christmas.
That is going to be so sad for their three children Lourdes,12, Rocco, 8, and David Banda, 3. Lourdes is from Madonna's previous relationship with her former personal trainer, Carlos Leon and her 3 year old David was adopted from Malawi in 2006.
Who will get the children?
Madonna is worth $500 million and Guy has just chomp change at $35 million.
I hope that this divorce isn't as messy as some famous couples.
But afterall it is Madonna and she isn't known for being gentle.
Maybe Madonna and A-Rod were made for each other.
Madonna does like rods afterall.
**Update: There was no Pre-Nup. You think that people would learn after Britney and K-Fed. He's gonna milk her for all she's worth.. and that is a hell of a lot.**
Casey Anthony 1st Degree
Casey Anthony has gotten away with murder for far too long.
For those of you that haven't been following the story Casey Anthony, 22 possibly (I believe she did) killed her daughter, Caylee Marie who was just 3 years old.
Caylee has been reported missing since July 15th but her Casey has not seen her since the middle of June.
Casey said that she was trying to look for Caylee on her own and the last person that saw her daughter was her babysitter named Zenaida Gonzalez who later police discovered did not exist.
Casey Anthony's car was found with Chloroform in her trunk and traces of decomposed body. Also Casey's mother Cindy told 911 that her daughter's car smelt like a dead body had been in it.
Caylee's dress, size 6 was recently found near an airport in Florida.
Anthony is currently charged with child neglect, filing a false statement with law enforcement and check fraud and today she faced the grand jury to decide whether she was responsible in the death of her daughter.
19 grand Jurors deliberated for a half an hour before delivering the indictment. Casey was apparently crying when they told Casey of her fate.
Prosecutors have asked that she be held without bail..
New Song's For Your iPod
Are you sick of the songs that keep playing on the radio and you want some new songs to put on your iPod or to make a sweet CD Mix?
Then Leslie Star has just the tracks for you :)
These songs are mostly R&B and Hip Hop cause that is what I like mostly but there are a few songs that are rock and just easy listening.
Hope you enjoy!
Ludacris and T-Pain - Chopped and Screwed
Carl Henry - Trippin
Kevin Rudolf ft. Lil Wayne - Let It Rock
50 Cent - Get Up
Craig David - Insomnia
Akon & Lil Wayne - I'm So Paid
Ludacris & T-Pain - One more drink
Murphy Lee & T-Pain - My Shoes
Chris Brown - Dreamer
Chris Brown ft. T-Pain - Greatness
Timbaland and Keri Hilson - Return the Flavor
Robyn - Robot Boy
T-Pain & Chris Brown - Freeze
Robin Thicke - Magic
Lada Gaga - Beautiful Dirty Rich
Kanye West - Love Lockdown
T.I. - Swagga Like Us
Christina Milian - Us Against the World
Akon - Against the Grain
Prodigy - I Want Out
Lemar - If She Knew
Amos Lee - What's Be Going On
Mary Mary - Get Up
Gorilla Zoe ft. Lil Wayne - Lost
Urban Mystic ft. Young Joc - Main Squeeze
Taio Cruz - Like A Star
Keane - Spiralling
VV Brown - Crying Blood
Amy's Special Cotton Candy
First it was Amy snorting vodka and now she is apparently making cotton candy mixed with cocaine.
What the fuck is wrong with this woman?
How did her cracked up mind even think of this?
Her friend, Babyshambles guitarist Mik Whitnall, suggested it as a joke after the singer bought a £700 candy floss machine. But she actually went through with it.
It's great because they get a nice tasty treat and they get some cotton candy too. :p
Here is a video of her jamming recently. Check it out!
The Greatest Video EVER
Wow!!!! I knew this day would come..
Britney is back with a hot body, her blonde hair and all. "Womanizer" video is out.
It is amazing!!!!
I actually quite like the song now..
I have never seen her hotter..
WOW.. Great news!!!
I love Britney!
What do y'all think about it?
Have you heard this song before?
I think Beyonce rocks!
Her voice is so unique and you can spot her singing in any song. No one sounds like her except her sister a little bit. Her new song is called "Next Ex" and I found it on
I really love this song.
This isn't the real video but I thought I would share this song with you anyways..
I love it!
There are some other new songs so I will post them underneath.
Do you like Beyonce?
Which one is your favorite????
Star's tattoo's
Do you have tattoo's? I don't. I always thought that if I ever got a tattoo that I would change my mind right after and it would be too late. I have never liked something that much that I would want it on my body forever but I do think that they are beautiful.. Well some of them are..
I think that it's cute when people get loved ones faces on their body or things to remind them of their past friends or whatever.. but Angelina's new tattoo is kind of weird. She got her children's latitude and longitude of where her children were born on her arm. I have never been a fan of her tattoo's. I think they are all pretty ugly actually.
I mean.. It would be nice in a scrapbook of where you were born.. But on your mom's arm is rather strange.
Here are some stars tattoos...
Angelina Jolie
You can even see Billy Bob's Tattoo Underneath.
It looks so smudgey.
Sienna Miller
Drew Barrymore
Alyssa Milano
Victoria Beckham
Some of David Beckham's Tattoos
Britney Spears (her neck tattoo is Hebrew for Hillbilly)
This is Britney when she first shaved her head and attacked a paparazi's vehicle with an umbrella. Someone actually got this tattooed on them.. Crazy Bastards
Kat Von D
Do you have any tattoos? If so share them with Leslie Star!
Ciara & T-Pain's New Song
I absolutley love Ciara!!! I think she kicks ass. I mean some of her songs are blah but mostly they are great songs to dance to.
I love strong woman and she definatly comes across as just that.
Her new song with T-Pain called "Go Girl" is ok. It doesn't quite have that kick ass sound that makes you want to get down and funky.. and yes I just said that.. hehehe..
But it's an alright video and I like her costume changes in it.
What do you think about it?
Sneak Peak of Britney's New Video
Do you like Britney's new song "Womanizer?"
Well I didn't at first.
I was quite saddened by the fact that it repeated a lot but now I like it.
I have very high hopes that her new CD coming out called "Circus" will be awesome though and no one can tell me differently. I do however like the song called "Mannequin."
At least I think that is what it is going to be called. It is the video underneath the preview for "Womanizer."
I have a sneak peak of her new video that comes out real soon.
What do you think? Do you like "Womanizer" or "Mannequin" better?
Happy October!!!!!
Leslie Star has converted for the holidays. I love Halloween!!! I love it because you can be anyone you want to be just for that night.
What is it that woman want to be not just something gooey and gross like a zombie but they have to be something slutty..?? Example.. Slut Witch or Skanky Nurse..
Like this year I am going to a huge party and I am dressing up like a dominatrix. (yes, yes I will put up pictures) I have bought the whip and the black rubber costume. I also have my wonderful strip boots that are black vinyl. So excited. The best costume prize is $10,000. That would be so amazing to have.
So this weekend I went out for dinner with a few friends on Friday and got home around 10:00. I also signed up for ZIPCAR. I am so excited to drive one around.
On Saturday I went and watched a soccer game in the pouring rain and then we all went to my friend's house to have a party. Everything was fine and dandy till I went into my friend's spare bedroom to lay down for just a secound and woke up the next morning.
I missed the whole party :( . Apparently it was an amazing party too. Damn it all...
There is a whole bunch of new songs as well so I will post about those later.
I know it's a little early but what are you going to be for Halloween?
Do you love Makeup?
If you like doing your makeup as much as I do and your looking for more ideas on what to do when you go out to a club or just for a fancy night out, then you should check out this chick I found on
She goes by the alias of "Monroemisfitmakeup" and she does her makeup awesomely. She is a club girl so all her makeup is over embellished but it's all very wonderful.
Need ideas on how to do your makeup for Halloween or just a night on the town? Then watch all her videos. They are all superb.
She's super pretty too so guys will enjoy watching it as well.
Hope you like her..
Usher's New Video
Usher is a very talented singer and dancer and everyone knows so. He moves like no other... however sometimes his videos are super cheesmo and he always is right beside a hot woman. You think his new wife, Tameka Foster would be pissed about that.
They just had a baby together. You think that his hormones would have calmed down since he knocked someone up.
I guess it's just to make the video all steamy.
Do you like Usher's new song "Trading Places?"
Tameka Foster and Usher
Heather Locklear's mugshot
Heather Locklear, 47 was arrested on Saturday, Sept 27th for suspicion of driving while under the influence..
Let me tell you.. by the looks of her when she got her mug shot she shouldn't of been driving because she was a wreck.. Like an absolute wreck.
She looks like she is either so fried on some type of drug or the woman's gone mad.
I feel sorry for her. Even though she shouldn't have been driving.. you must be really sad in life to be that fucked up.
A paparazzi is the one that called her in to 911 for driving erratically and then they sold the story about her too.
She was recently in a rehab for a while for depression according to her people but rumor has it she was in there for pill popping.
Doesn't she look crazy?
Britney's Sex Tape??
I knew that Adnan Ghalib was a complete loser asshole.. but I didn't think he would go down this low.
He apparently was in the sack with Britney for 2 hours while she wore her famous pink wig.
A big porn site is trying to buy it from Adnan for 10 million dollars but Britney ain't havin' it.
She's apparently willing to pay anything to keep that shit off the net.
I'm not going to lie.. I hope Adnan wins.
That would be the ulitmate sex tape. Britney in the wig..
Would you watch it??? I know that I would.. :)