Leslie Star's Review On "Home"

PS3 Game "Home" Countdown

Have you ever been so excited to have a movie come out and you actually feel like you can't wait any longer?

Well that is how I feel about the new game that Playstation 3 put out called "Home."  It is a virtual reality game that I think you could very easily get addicted to.

The release date was originally suppose to be late last year but now it has been pushed to November or early in the New Year.

This game better be damn good if they are making me wait this long!


  1. I can't wait for this game (community whatever) either.

  2. Yeah looks pretty sweet. I think they've aimed for Nov/Dec beta release and then the full release sometime in the new year; but it has changed so many times now who really knows. At least Little Big Planet comes out on Oct 21st 08.
