Haleigh Ann Marie Cummings is a sweet 5-year-old innocent little girl from Putnam County in North Florida. She was taken from her father, Ronald Cumming's trailor home somewhere in the time frame of 11 pm to 3 am on Monday night.
Haleigh was reported missing at 3:30 am when Ronald's 17-year-old girlfriend, Misty Croslin called 911 when she realized that little Haleigh was missing and the back door of the mobile home was wide open.
Misty Croslin was babysitting Haleigh and her younger brother who is just 3 years old because Ronald works the night shift. Misty said that after putting Haleigh down to sleep at 8pm, she was doing some laundry which was right by the back door which was locked and then she went back to the bedroom where Haleigh and her brother were sleeping. She said that she then put a blanket on Haleigh and layed down beside her.
Misty then said she woke up at 3am and saw that the kitchen light was on and walked into the kitchen and the back door was open. "I go in the room and she's gone. And that's all I know. When I went to bed she was there and then when I got up she was gone."
Misty is apparently very upset that this happened because she said "loved her like she's my own," "I just want her to come home."
However yesterday when I watched the story on Nancy Grace it seemed as if she wasn't very upset while she was just casually strolling around with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth.
Haleigh Ann's real mother, Crystal Sheffield gets visitation with her twice a month. Haleigh was actually suppose to spend this upcoming weekend with her mother.
When Crystal was asked if Haleigh attended school on Monday or anything she didn't even know about her own child. She doesn't know why Haleigh has missed so much school that if she missed anymore, Ronald would be thrown in jail.
She didn't even know when the last time her daughter was sick.
Don't you think that if you didn't have custody of your own child that you would try and phone them?
Perhaps not everyday but once and a while, but it just seems like she had no clue about her daughter or anything about her.
It seemed to me like the mother was either stoned or just really upset.
Speculations have been going around that Haleigh's mother is a drug addict and that is why she lost custody of her child but that hasn't been proven yet.
George Anthony, Caylee Anthony's grandfather came to Putnam County to meet with the Cumming's family and offered any support that the family needed. George also said...
"They need the community's support. They do not need to be judged. They do not need to be scrutinized. They need your help. The community needs to come together to help this family to bring this beautiful girl home."
The family of Haleigh have been staying in tents around the mobile home to search for the child and come together for support reasons.
Putnam County have put together air, ground and water searches with infrared on the helicopters ever since she's been missing.
The 911 tape has been released too and I don't think that Ronald Cummings dealt with the situation very well. If you would like to read the transcript of the tape please click here.
Celebrity bounty hunter 25,000 reward if Haleigh is returned before midnight on Saturday.
Haleigh is in kindergarten at Browning Pearce Elementary School in San Mateo and all her classmates have found out about her disappearance and are all praying for her and wishing that she will return home.
Let's just hope that someone turns this little precious girl in before it's too late.
If you have any information about the whereabouts of Haleigh Ann Marie Cummings please call the Putnam County Sheriff's Office at 386-329-0808 or the FDLE's Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse at 888-FL-MISSING.
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