Jennifer Hudson's Come Back Review

Jennifer Hudson - Star Spangled Banner Comeback Review

Jennifer Hudson in a pink dress

I just finished watching Jennifer Hudson's comeback at the Superbowl in Tampa, Florida singing the  "Star Spangled Banner."

It was her first performance since the death of her mother, her brother on October 24th 2008 and her nephew on October 25th.

It was so good it sounded as if it was prerecorded.  It was perfect and she did a fabulous job.

I think Jennifer is a beautiful and talented young woman and her coming back into the spotlight was amazing and strong.

She ought to be so proud of her performance as it was absolutely brilliant.

Way to go Jennifer Hudson for singing the United States of America's National Anthem at the Superbowl of 2009 with such poise and welcome back girl!

It seemed like her families presence was around her when she was singing.

She did such a good job!

UpdateI had originally put I thought her performance was prerecorded but I took that down because I felt bad... But it turns out that it was pre recorded.. Damn.. should have left it.. :)

Faith Hill also sang at the Superbowl and she sang "God Bless America."

It was an excellent performance as well.  She brought tears to my eyes.

The way the music was arranged and you could tell that she loved singing that song.

She looked beautiful too.

This is her performance.. Such a great one!

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