Suicide Attempt and Heart Sticker
It has been a long hall for the Anthony's. It was on July 15th 2008 when Caylee Anthony was first reported missing by her grandmother Cindy.
That was 31 days after Casey (Caylee's Mother) said she saw her and it took the family that long to report it because Casey had said she was doing her own investigation and Caylee's grandparents didn't even know she was missing.
Lately the stress has gotten to Cindy and George Anthony because George almost attempted to kill himself. He had text messaged his family members to tell them he just wanted to be with Caylee.

He is now in Halifax Medical Center and being psychiatrically evaluated.
George Anthony was found on January 23rd at the Hawaiian Inn hotel in Daytona Beach after his family reported him missing late on Thursday, Jan. 22nd.
He was found alive with a suicide note and he had taken pills from the Anthony home.
George had reportedly said that he just wanted to be alone and he had to think things through.
Hundreds of pages of new evidence have come up in this case. One of which shows that Caylee had duct tape put over her mouth and above that tape was a heart sticker. She was also found with her Winnie The Pooh blanket and a backpack that said "adorable" on it.
Casey's ex boyfriend, Ricardo Morales told authorites that he once put on his Myspace page "win her over with chloroform" which he thought was funny. Chloroform is what killed Caylee.
Ricardo denies that he has any involvement with the killings but Casey did have access to his computer so she could have seen it and got some ideas.
When the police confiscated Casey's lap top it had searches of chloroform and ways of neck breaking.
Now tell me she is not the killer..
You damn straight she did it,but i don't agree with death because it's to easy for casey.....if she get's the death penalty i hope they wait for 30 yrs atleast without her knowing when it will be so she can wake up every day for the rest of her life and see the beautiful life she traded her daughter for!!