Martha Stewart's beautiful dog named Genghis Khan lost his life on Friday at a Pennsylvania Kennel called "Pazzazz". Apparently a kennel worker named Timothy Kleinhagen was filling a propane tank and there was a spark and the propane exploded. Timothy was a hero and tried to save as many dogs as he could by throwing them to safety.
Meanwhile now he is in the hospital for severe burns.
Martha Stewart has posted on her blog about the kennel owner.
Karen lost twelve of her own dogs and five boarder dogs. Three of her chows are at the veterinarian’s in intensive care. Timothy Kleinhagen, the heroic driver of the propane truck, remains in critical condition and is facing lengthy hospital time. The cause of the blast has yet to be determined.
This is what the Associated Press Had To Say :
The kennel was getting a propane delivery when the tank ignited, setting the pens on fire and injuring the driver, Timothy Kleinhagen, of Summit Hill.
Though badly burned, Kleinhagen managed to toss a cairn terrier over the kennel fence to safety. He was listed in critical condition Monday at Lehigh Valley Hospital.
"That man is a hero," said the kennel's co-owner, Karen Tracy. "My heart goes out to his family."Genghis Khan was a grandson of Stewart's previous chow, Paw Paw, which died last April at age 12.
I know that Martha really loved her dog Ghenghis Khan and always referred to him on her show.
Here is a video of what happened to the surviving puppies.
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