Vancouver Kissing Riot

Appalling Or Beautiful?

Believe it or not that romantic picture is of a couple that was in the middle of the 2011 Stanley Cup riot in downtown Vancouver.

Riot in Vancouver

Were they getting off on kissing during the tear gas explosions? That's what it looks like at first but let me explain what really happened...

The Vancouver based photographer Rich Lam didn't realize that he had taken this picture and the uproar it would cause.

Not even Scott Jones and girlfriend Alexandra Thomas could not have predicted what would unfold after they attended the Vancouver v. Bruins Stanley Cup finals hockey game.

Soon after the Vancouver Canucks lost to the Boston Bruins 4-0, Scott and Alexandra were caught in the middle of the riots.

They were laying on the ground because Alexandra was injured from the police pushing her out of the way and Scott was trying to comfort her because she was crying and hurt.

Scott is originally from Australia and the news traveled fast to his father Bret Jones. Bret is not surprised that Scott was comforting his girlfriend with such passion and goes on to say that since Scott was a young boy he has always had "that gentle side for other people. I’m not surprised he would comfort Alex.”

Kissing Couple - Vancouver Riot

The couple cannot believe how many have viewed the picture and Alexandra says, “When I first saw it, I thought, ‘No way, that's not ... I can't believe that's us,’ ”.

This just proves that not everything is as it seems.

2011 Vancouver Riot

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